Blue Lake, BC

Sunday, October 28, 2012

8,500 Miles

Looks like we traveled a total of about 8,500 miles on this trip.  We were gone about two months and spent all but four nights in the roof top tent.  With the Yellowstone trip, we have spent about 20 percent of the year in that tent and we are still married!  That says a lot about the tent.  The folks at CVT have an excellent product.  Several people we know are considering buying one.

Got nearly a quarter million pictures and videos transferred onto my good computer today.  The files that I accidentally deleted were all recovered using a great little program that I downloaded for free.  I'll post a link later.  Now I didn't personally take all 250K photos.  Most of that was the plot camera that we had running most of the trip out the front window.  I'll post those to youtube as soon as I get

done converting them to video.  The ALCAN videos are done and just need some minor editing.  So those will go up first.  You should be able to virtually drive the entire ALCAN in under 20 minutes.  It will give you an idea of what it is like.

The pictures and videos taken with our Nikon P500 camera will take some time.  I am hoping to spend a little time each day working on them.  If I don't, they will never get done.  I still haven't touched most of the stuff from last year.  But this year's stuff is the best I have ever taken and so I am very motivated to see what we got.  Like I've mentioned, GNP was beary beary good to us this year.

Shoutout to everyone still reading.  Now that we aren't travelling, I should also have some time to catch up on posts.  I still owe you one long one about our time at DNP.  I wrote about half of it and then got sidetracked.  I also owe you a lot more on the ride.  I need to get that done before I start on what should be the final version (version 3) of the Scion transformation.  Version 2 worked better than we ever hoped it would.  So now I just need to tweak things a bit here and there and make some adjustments so we can (1) easily put the back seat in when not traveling and (2) transfer everything to the truck when we travel with just the fifth wheel.  Btw, for anyone who is wondering, my thumb is healing up fine.  There is still a lot of numbness at the tip, but that seems to be slowly improving.  I am able to use the thumb for a lot of things, but it is still awkward due mainly to the numbness.

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