Blue Lake, BC

Friday, October 4, 2013

Back in Bend

We are back in Bend a little too soon for our liking.  The bear/wildlife situation in GNP was just getting interesting with deep snow on the divide and the overall snow level just a couple hundred feet above the campground.  It was even snowing at road level when we were escorted out of the park.  Hopefully, once the government gets its act together, some of our friends will be able to tell us what happened between now and the park's reopening.

When we got back to Bend, we realized we didn't have a plan for where to stay until we start hosting again next month.  We checked out all the options we knew about and many were not options.  Then we discovered that the nicest RV park in town had the best rates and one monthly spot left.  So we are staying at Crown Villa with all the amenities including a clubhouse and spa. Not bad, just no grizzlies.  

I'll try to get some more pictures posted soon along with a few more trip stories.  As you might imagine, after being gone just over seven weeks, there is a lot to get caught up on.  Plus, there is some stuff we were planning to do while traveling that didn't get done.  Fortunately, we are both feeling pretty good.  Those of you who know us from Pilot Butte will be seeing us there soon.

Best line of the trip came from a Canadian we met at the Costco Food Court in Edmonton.  He was trying to describe what his province of Saskatchewan is like.  We weren't getting it and so he said, "Let me put it this way, it is so flat that you can watch your dog run away for three days."     

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