Many years ago when Carol and I were so very sick, we had an important discussion about what was the one thing missing from our life that would make our life better if we could somehow do it again. We decided it was backpacking. There was no way we could backpack in the state of health we were in. But soon we came up with the concept of "backpacking by car." The idea was simple: create a very easy system for camping in our Toyota Tercel. We did that and set off on our first "backpacking" trip. We planed to stay just one night at each campground and be out about five days. Well, the trip was a big failure. Our bodies couldn't handle the weather and nighttime temperatures. We ended up going home before dawn on the first day. Undeterred, we came up with a new concept: camping in an RV (pickup camper). We bought the camper for $200. It was in bad shape, but it had